Tuesday, 30 March 2010

table example

Uv-ing Whole room

plan to uv this beast out by tonite .. yes TONITE .. I aint sleeping ...

Sunday, 28 March 2010

And now i -

resume my work , since Friday I’ve HAD to work on other independent arty farty stuff, which unexpectedly came about . Also (random info but it's just too dam COOL )my very own band was played on XFM last night , GET IN! .

Thursday, 25 March 2010

nothing more than a...

quick test. this isn’t taking me long at all . i could probably finish this within 2 hours but I’m taking my time with it.

keeping detail to an absolute minimum but obviously still having some character to keep it within the films style

Monday, 22 March 2010

Target uvs done

Target character uvs completed. Missing seems on the model made trying to uv some parts of this quite tricky but i've managed to push out some reasonably decent UV's for it . Either way it's all good & now it’s time to move on and start some other uv's / textures for Whackd .

Wednesday, 17 March 2010


Lil tricky to Uv this one .. He wasn’t in any kind of layers but still, once that was over i had to figure out how to UV this beast, had trouble with the jacket because of the collar, not happy with it at all but it SHOULD be workable. The hands were Nye on impossible to UV as one nice set of Hand uvs but I managed to get the majority of it as one set but not all :(

nothing much else to say on it really . Some parts were obviously difficult to Unwrap and stitch on this because of the model but I’ve done what I can with it, I just hope it’s good enough ( it should be but who knows ) either way I’ve gota crack on with finishing these other uv’s now and this other character especially .

I did a texture test on the characters face and hair .. VERY happy with how that came out .. The hair and face are obviously in two sets of uv’s .. one for the hair and one for the face and the seems are almost invisible .. And the hair doesn’t even have any seems !!

Those leg uv's are really annoying me ...

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Here are some really amazingly useful links . Enjoy !

VFXBOARD, August 6 2009. ’Maya Tutorial - Head UV Mapping’
They are a VFX group who release tutorials for free and host a forum for avid CG artists

Michael, 08 January 2009. ‘ZBrush 3.1 ZMapper tutorial’
Michael is an experience CG student in 3D Modelling and Texturing

Andrew, 22 February 2009 . ‘Texturing Game Characters Ambient Occlusion Maps’
Andrew has his own clothing franchise and is also a 3D tutor

(Author unknown) 04 August 2008. ZBrush Displacement to Maya
This Author is a 3D tutor

(Author unknown) 10 September 2008. ‘normal map - maya to zbrush to maya tutorial’
This Author is a 3D tutor

Pixologic,17 April 2009 ‘Architectural techniques with Sebastian Legrain using Projection Master’
Pixologic are the makers of Zbrush and provide tutorials of their software.

(Unknown author) ( Unknown date) ’Career Videos’
They are a small games company

CovStudent, 20 November 2008. ‘The future of gaming technology’
This particular link has a guest speaker form Blitz games present at one of their lectures

Tracy F,2009. ‘Game Design Workshop: Designing, Prototyping and Playtesting Games (Gama Network Series) CMP; 1 edition

Leigh van der Byl, LightWave 3D 8 Texturing (Wordware Game and Graphics Library), Wordware Publishing, Inc. 2004

Adam Murguia, (Date unknown) ‘SURFACE TRANSFER’
“Adam Murguia co-founded a company called New Pencil, Inc” with a decade of game industry experience

Ben Clark providing useful tutorial tips on Maya Shaders and render layers.

Yang, D ( Date unknown) ‘Transfer Maps Feature to Generate Normal Maps’
Tutorial providing good rendering techniques for game, mainly Normal maps.

(Author unknown) ( Date unknown) ‘Headus UVLayout Causing Problems with Texturing and Normal Maps’
Forum thread discussing problems with software.

Richard C , (Date unknown) ‘UV mapping in maya‘.
Useful tutorial for Maya Uv mapping.

Aaron,C, 2009 ‘tutorials’
3D artist portfolio teaching techniques rarely shown.

Josh A, 2009. ‘high to low poly modelling’
Forum discussing high to low polygon modelling.

Ashraf A (Date unknown) ‘PixelCG Tips & Tricks’
Artists blog which provides great information about industry practices.

Radon Labs, 2009 ‘HowTo: Light mapping’
“Radon Labs is one of the largest independent developers for high quality computer- and video games and real-time visualization technology”

Anto J ( Date unknown)‘'Digital Portrait - Barack Obama’
A ‘ Making of ‘ tutorial

Steve P, 2009 ‘ The 3D Production Pipeline for Games: Getting it There’
Intel did a break down of the games design pipeline and practical procedures.

Anurag G, 2010. ‘What is 3D Modelling?’
Very brief introduction to 3D modelling.

Jeremy C, (Date unknown) ‘Working on Games vs Working on Films’
Industrial professional , he specialises in animation and illustration.

Josh v, (Date unknown) Beowulf artist
Personal blog of the concept and 3d artist for the animated epic Beowulf.

Ian S, 2009. ‘Teaching Game Design’
“Is it possible to teach creativity? Let's find out together.” A blog dedicated to Industry practice.

Greg, 2009. ‘Games * Design * Art * Culture’
A blog dedicated to Industry practice.

Tom Q (Date unknown) ‘Beowulf’
3D artist for the animation epic Beowulf

Michael T, 2009. ’Ode to Source: A History of Valve's Tireless Game Engine’
History about one of the worlds most flexible and powerful game engines.

Gerardo Á, (Date unknown) ‘3D workflow & pipeline research’
“Tools and hints for 3D animation workflow, pipeline, asset management and production control.”

Robin R, 2005. ‘The Linux Motion Picture Pipeline’
In-depth review into the Linux system and its importance in the CG industry, for film only.

Lorne L, 2007. ‘Lorne Lanning talks about ‘Citizen Siege, EXPOSÉ 5 and the importance of staying creative.’
“Co-Founder,President and Creative Director of game and film franchise Oddworld Inhabitants” Oddworld is a very famous game within the gaming world.

(Author unknown) ( Date unknown) ‘ExtremeTech 3D Pipeline Tutorial’
A Highly in-depth discussion about 3D technology and how it works.

Abishek N, 2009 ‘Between Light and Shadows, Production pipelines’
“Production pipelines and philosophies” In the industry, by an industry expert from Singapore.

Emory R, November 22nd, 2007. ‘Gaming in the Future’
Future of the gaming world.

Magy Seif El-Nasr, Simon Niedenthal, Igor Knez, Priya Almeida, Joseph Zupko (Date unknown).‘Dynamic Lighting for Tension in Games’
In-depth discussion into game studios practices.

(Author unknown) 2006 ‘Lighting in game environments’
Lighting in game environments.

USC Institute for Creative Technologies Graphics Lab, 2008. ‘High Resolution Face Scanning for "Digital Emily"’
“Collaboration between Image Metrics and the USC Institute for Creative Technologies Graphics Lab”

Ign, 2008. ‘Creating Character Models’
How Normal maps were applied to the Witcher character model from a game.

(Author unknown) 2004.’tutorial: cavity maps and more from crazy bump’
3D artist breaking down the variety of different maps used for texturing.

Eden A, 2008. ‘Making It Real: The Future of Stereoscopic 3D Film Technology’
“ In this initial feature for the launch of SIGGRAPH Quarterly’s online magazine, Sony Pictures Imageworks’ Rob Engle and Rob Bredow discuss the subject of stereoscopic 3D film production and presentation, and offer their ideas as to where this increasingly important technology may be heading in the future.”

Second Picture, 2007.‘3D Modeling a Human Head’
Topology tutorial in relation to making a human head.

Randy N, 2009. ‘Pixar production pipeline’
Pixar presentation about their pipeline.

Unreal Engine,2010’The world’s best game engine…Now at your fingertips’
Unreal Engine, a very powerful games engine used by many other games companies

(Unknown author) (Unknown date) ‘
Programming Blog,Web development, php, ajax, symfony, framework, zend’
“The Ultimate Collection Of Maya 3D Tutorials”

Dylan S (Date unknown) 'Human Anatomy UV Coordinates Setup for Texturing'
Detailed tutorial about Uv mapping and Texturing.

Andrew-Whitehurst (Date unknown) ‘’The Visual Effects Pipeline’
Break down of the VFX pipeline

Nick Z, 2008. ‘Art Blog Topology’
Artists personal opinion about topology

Michael T, 2010. ‘Advanced Visual Effects’

Andrew-Whitehurst (Date unknown) ‘VFX PIPELINE’

Mohannad A (2010) ‘psycho-designs.com’

Nick Z, 2008. ‘Art Blog Topology’

Headus Uv layout, 2010. ‘ example’

Ryan Kings lien ‘z brush in production DVD’ Gnomon ‘

(Author unknown) 2008. ‘Creating Character Models’

Image Metrics & I.C.T, 2008 ‘Digital Emily’

Uv-ing - Texturing

Once texturing starts ( for me ) i'll be in my element , in the mean time i'm stuck doing all these blasted Uv's ..

So i'm going to do my best and push out as many uv's as i can for whoever . so texturing can start properly .. ( this is primarily aimed at whack'd ) as Polished off and Splay have already started texturing without my help XD

3 Uv's

I'f i had the time spare i'd uv this whole room( that stu gave me ) .. but i don't .. so i managed to bash out 3 maps for today.

Whack'd clouds

Clouds for Whack'd

Did these ages ago but i don't think i uploaded it .This needs some tweaks and more clouds on it .. and more 'style' as well .