Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Whack'd layout design

This 1 layout design is for Whack’d
(which could also work as an establishing shot just after the bike/car drives past on the road)
Ok lets start talking about the composition.
The layout differs from what the original idea was, this is simply because I felt like showing some variety between the artwork . Most importantly though was how the scene was set up (explained below)
Ok, the original design had a massive petrol station at the end of the motel, though it looked ok it completely and utterly destroyed the vanishing point of the buildings shot ( looking down the road) having a shot that’s on open land that’s VERY vast and having a city in the backdrop, I decided it would be best for me to put the petrol station at the start on the right & slightly out of shot (start with the biggest buildings & less important story wise) otherwise
1:the scene looses its vanishing point
2:if the petrol station is on the end, it stops the motel pointing towards the city. This is bloody important as we want the motel to say to us ( hey look, the city is far , come and stay at the motel.)
3.It means the audience doesn’t get confused, it's not an important building, it doesn’t need to be directly in shot.

I’m going to toon this up today and try give it more character while aiming to put some colour in.my objective is to try & get a final piece that will go into the animatic and that will roughly set the camera shot up. Hench.

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